
Your classified ad listing has been submitted

Thank you for submitting your classified ad. The details of your ad are shown below. Listing Title: Mini Bluetooth Headset Kamera Listing URL: http://ift.tt/2d5ZC30 Listing ID: 1384 Listing Edit Email: hochestoersender@gmail.com Ghana Offer Transaction: fc7dfd3ae3491791859860e39e8295ca The next link will take you to a page where you can edit the listing: http://ift.tt/2cTl33V Additional Details All ads must first be approved by the administrator before they are activated in the system. As soon as an admin has approved your ad it will become visible in the system. Thank you for your business. If you have questions about your listing contact info@ghanaoffer.com. Thank you for your business. Ghana Offer http://ghanaoffer.com Email sent 22/09/2016 06:57:52.

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